Announcements and Press Releases

Tuesday 17 April 2018
— An Announcement
Fool Church Media is pleased and excited to announce the publication of the new George Jansen
novel, "Haunts."
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Sunday 16 April 2017
— An Announcement
Fool Church Media is pleased and excited to announce the publication of the new Bryan Costales science fiction
novel, "Thread Twice Cut."
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Friday 16 September 2016
— An Announcement
Fool Church Publishing is pleased and excited to announce the publication of Denver Welte's
"Dew Drops", her first book of poetry.
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Sunday May 15, 2016
— An Announcement
Fool Church Media is proud to announce the republication of George Jansen's wonderful novel, "The Jesse James Scrapbook".
It has first been issued as an eBook, but will soon be followed by a paperback book.
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Monday September 28, 2015
— An Announcement
Fool Church Publishing is pleased and excited to announce that we have struck a deal with poet Denver Welte
to publish her first book of poetry.
Fool Church Media is pleased to welcome Denver to our stable of authors.
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Saturday September 5, 2015
— A Press Release
Fool Church Publishing is pleased to announce that all right to the book
"Sendmail Milters: A Guide to Fighting Spam," have been returned to the authors.
The authors agree that the book should be more broadly targeted when next published.
As a consequence, it will be slimmed down, the C-language code removed, the libmilter
documentation removed, and replaced with the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC standards.
Its tentative working title will be, "DKIM SPF DMARC," and subtitled, "Email gone wildly wrong."
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Sunday July 19, 2015
— An Announcement
Fool Church Publishing was pleased to learn that the book "Sendmail Milters, A Guide To Fighting Spam" has gone
out of print. The authors have not yet secured the rights back from Addison-Wesley. We will continue to follow
this book with interest.
Update Friday August 21, 2015
Surface mail arrived from the publisher stating that the process of returning rights has begun.
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Saturday July 4, 2015
— An Announcement
In early August of 2015, author Bryan Costales plans to begin a kickstarter campaign to obtain
the funds needed to copy edit and cover design the novel Puppet for release. The plan is for
one professional style edit and then one copy edit, and finally a professionally designed cover.
When the campaign is ready to launch, an announcement will be made here.
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Monday February 23, 2015
— An Announcement
Page proofs (in the form of pdf files) of "The Jesse James Scrapbook" are in the hands of the author George Jansen. He has advised us that
he is busy with other projects at the moment and we may have to wait months for feedback. In the meanwhile we
are putting together several proposals for cover designs for him to chose from among.
All this will be combined into a new edition of the book. Once all the pieces are together, the author George Jansen will get a printed copy
of the book for final approval and revisions by him.
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Monday October 27, 2014
— A Press Release
Fool Church Publishing is pleased to announce the first printing of "Jo" a late 20th Century historical novel by Bryan Costales in softcover format on It can be purchased directly from Lulu for $11.24 and gives the highest royalty to the author. It can be purchased for $14.98 from other retailers (such as Amazon and Barns And Noble) but gives the author the lowest royalty return.
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Wednesday May 2, 2012
— An Announcement
Bryan Costales accepted the text files for importing into Framemaker. They will be used to produce a new
book someday pending George Jansen's approval. The files were in good shape and nothing but a bit of back-matter
were missing. Bryan's time is limited because of his job and other commitments.
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Friday October 8, 2008
— An Announcement
Author Bryan Costales received word today that his book "C From A To Z" had fallen out of print and the rights had reverted to him. Soon he plans to converts all the nroff files that went into the original book into Framemaker files. Once that tedious process is done, he plans to rewrite the book to bring it up from the 20th Century into the 21st Century.
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Sunday September 18, 2005
— An Announcement
The files on 5 1/2" floppies were finally rescued thanks to friends at University Of California
Computer Science Department. The Apple specific word processor files were converet to plain text
files for import into modern word processors. Thanks to everyone that helped.
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Tuesday January 7, 2003
— An Announcement
Author George Jansen received word today that his book "The Jesse James Scrapbook"
had fallen out of print and the rights had reverted to him. He has advised us that
he is considering republishing it. The only problem is that the original files are on
5 1/4" floppies and nobody has equipment to read them.
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